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Tobermore Primary School Open Day takes place in December each year. Please visit our website to keep an eye on our Open Night news.
What does compulsory school age mean?
All children who are four years old on or before the 1st July must begin their primary education from the beginning of the school year following their 4th birthday.
Do I have to complete an application?
Yes, if your child is compulsory school age then you need to complete an application. This application is completed online via the Admissions Tab on the Education Authority Website.
Children with Special Educational Needs
If your child is undergoing statutory assessment you still need to apply for a Primary 1 place. This will ensure your child secures a place in the event that the statutory process determines that your child does not require a statement. If/when your child's statement is put in place, the application you submit will become null and void.
Child with Statement of Special Educational Needs
If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs, the arrangements detailed here do not apply. You should contact the Education Authority’s Special Education Section for advice regarding the process of applying for a Primary 1 place for your child.
Living outside Northern Ireland at time of application you can still make an application for a primary place. However, priority is given to children residing in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission.
If you are moving to Northern Ireland, when completing the application, you must use the address you are residing at the time of the completion of your application. Boards of Governors can only use a new address once your child is residing at the new address. You should notify the EA in writing when you have moved and you will need to provide verification of your move.
Where can I get further help?
Admissions Helpdesk: Telephone 028 9598 5595
E-mail: primaryadmissions@eani.org.uk
Admission to P2-7 at Tobermore Primary School - transfer between schools
If your child is in Years 2-7 of a primary school and you wish to move him / her to Tobermore Primary School, you will need to make a simple application using the AP1 Form. Please follow the link below.
Tobermore Primary School, 6 Maghera Road, Tobermore, Magherafelt BT45 5QB | 028 7964 2254