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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
School Dinners This week is a Week 3 dinner menu.
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Head Lice

Head Lice are unfortunately very common amongst nursery and primary aged children. This is because younger children tend to put their heads together more whilst playing and sitting next to each other. Girls tend to get head lice more than boys, as their hair tends to be longer. 

Having head lice is not a sign that your child has dirty hair. Some people seem to be more prone to getting them than others and it can seem as if your child is never without them! Staff in school also get head lice, as it is an occupational hazard of working in a school.

In school, we continue to ask that long hair be tied up. Please remember that we rely on parents informing us when there is a case of head lice. It is also important that hair which does not have lice is not treated unnecessarily.

In a case where head lice is found in school, a letter will be sent out to all parents/guardians of the school.

For more information, please visit  or download the documents below.