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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt

Parent Information 7th May

7th May 2020

Dear Parents, I trust that this message finds you and your family well. First of all, I want to thank you for your continued support throughout this difficult time. Your feedback and contribution to our Facebook site, has been great and all the staff love seeing everything that you have been doing. All the lovely messages that we as a staff have received have meant so much and have certainly made our job much easier during this time.

I would also like to thank you for all that you are undertaking to support your child’s learning. Please remember that you are not alone in this and staff are available to offer support with any problems that you may be having. Please contact staff on the following emails: -                  -  Mrs Speers                    -  Mrs Smyth          -  Mrs Hawthorne              -  Mr Cheevers


All tasks that are set for children follow the schemes of work that teachers would be using throughout the year. There are a lot of tasks being set and we would recommend that you attempt some of these tasks, however we are not expecting all of these to be complete. We feel that the work that is being set provides a variety of the tasks that would be completed during a normal week in school. Every home situation is different, and we appreciate all the effort that you are making to complete ‘Home Learning’ during this unprecedented time.

Remember: - These tasks or activities can be printed out or the majority can be viewed using a laptop, a desktop, a tablet or a phone and copied onto a page at home .

If there are any issues regarding accessing work to complete at home, once again please contact one of the members of staff on their email and we will endeavour to help you resolve this.  Here are some of the things we would like to know:

  • Are our means of communication working? E.g. School Website, Facebook and Text Service
  • Is there enough variety in the tasks being provided?
  • Are you able to access the tasks and complete them?
  • Do the weekly notes provided help you understand the tasks that need to be completed?
  • Is there anything that we could change to make this better?

Please remember, like you, this set up is very new to all the staff in Tobermore Primary School as well. However, if we work together and communicate any specific problems or needs, then we will make a success out of this tricky situation.

There is an option on the’ Home Learning’ page for you to comment on the tasks that you are being set or upload photographs of any of the tasks that you have completed. We would love to see all the work that you have been doing and hear all your comments. We feel that this is a great opportunity to stay in touch with all our pupils.


I sent out a text message on Monday asking parents to download the Parent Questionnaire  from the website, complete it and email it back to me. This is just a reminder that you have until Friday 15th May to complete this.

This information is vital ensuring the creation of our new School Development Plan, with parent voices having important role in the completion of the final document.


After the completion of the Parent Questionnaire, I will be asking the children to complete a pupil questionnaire with parental support. More information will follow on the week beginning Monday 18th May 2020.

Finally, as we all continue to manage lockdown and social distancing, I urge you to stay safe and hopefully we will get to a point when we can safely return to school and see our friends and school staff again.


Take care,


Mr Cheevers
