Access Keys:

Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Only free school meal dinners will be available on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June. Everyone else must bring a packed lunch. | Free school meal dinners will now be available on Monday and Tuesday. Menu will be made available on Monday morning. | Please note P5, P6 & P7 swimming class is Monday 3rd June. | The Annual Board of Governors Report 2022-2023 is now available for perusal. See Board of Governors under 'Our School'. | Please refrain from parking in front of the school gates. This entrance must be kept clear at all times in the interest of children's safety. Thank you.
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National Museum NI Creative Classroom Award 🎨🌻

19th Apr 2024
Boys and girls in P1/2 have been working hard on their entry for the National Museum NI Creative Classroom Award.  As a class they have created a collaborative piece of artwork entitled, ‘All Different but All Special,’ inspired by the season of Spring. Each child created their own flower. All the flowers were then joined together to create a beautiful piece of artwork. We are looking forward to receiving competition updates! 🤞🤞 What do you think of our artwork?😊